Monday, July 10, 2023

Book of Interest: Kill Creek

I found another interesting book, Kill Creek by Scott Thomas. It's a horror story set during Halloween about writes in a possibly haunted house. I'm trying to get over my reader's block/slump or whatever you want to call it by finding books that I'd want to read.

The cover totally caught my eye, especially the creepy house and the figures on the roof. And not to mention the description which really had me interested in wanting to read this. So I will be adding this to my list to buy and hopefully read soon.

Book: Kill Creek by Scott Thomas


At the end of a dark prairie road, nearly forgotten in the Kansas countryside, is the Finch House. For years it has remained empty, overgrown, abandoned. Soon the door will be opened for the first time in decades. But something is waiting, lurking in the shadows, anxious to meet its new guests…

When best-selling horror author Sam McGarver is invited to spend Halloween night in one of the country’s most infamous haunted houses, he reluctantly agrees. At least he won’t be alone; joining him are three other masters of the macabre, writers who have helped shape modern horror. But what begins as a simple publicity stunt will become a fight for survival. The entity they have awakened will follow them, torment them, threatening to make them a part of the bloody legacy of Kill Creek.

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