Monday, July 24, 2023

Video: WGA Picket Line Warm Up! (And Cool Down)

I can't believe this is the 13th week of the Writers' Strike as well as the Actors' Strike which is its early days but both are still going strong. Unfortunately, the Studio executives still have not gone back to negotiating but both the writers and actors are not letting that stop them from continuing their fight for fair contracts.

And speaking of staying strong, there's a fitness video I've seen floating around this morning. It's a nearly six minute warm up video created by WGA member and fitness professional Sheila Callaghan. And according to the video description is "designed to get you limber and loose for the picket line". Although, I highly doubt there are any actors or TV/movie writers reading my little geeky lifestyle blog but if you are, here's a fitness video you could try before and after striking.

And for anyone who is not writer or actor, you could still give this warm up a try. As with any exercise, check with your doctor before trying.

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