Friday, September 22, 2023

Happy Last Day of Summer!

Happy Friday!

It's the last day of summer, how are you going to spend the day? I was thinking of wearing one of my cutest summer outfits especially since it's supposed to be warm and sunny. Maybe a cute dress, I'll see what I'll find when I go looking through my closet. Then at some point today, I want to go to the bookstore and browse through the aisle. Maybe, I'll buy a new book (or two) as a way to celebrate the end of summer.

And since the weather is going to be really nice today, I'm definitely going to find some time to read outside. I want to finish reading Star Wars: Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams because I want to have a review up at least by Monday. I've been dealing with reader's block off and on throughout the summer. But it's a good book and I want to have it finished so I can read something new for fall.

I also might do a little pre-fall cleaning, I have a few area I need to declutter. I don't know, maybe I'll save it for the weekend (since it will be fall). It'll give me plenty of time to really take my time going through my stuff. Anyway, happy last day of summer!

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