Friday, May 31, 2024

Fandom Friday: Random Fandom Thoughts #42: 9-1-1

Happy Friday! There's only one fandom thought I have at the moment:

The 9-1-1 seventh season finale was so bad. The shortened season can't be blamed for how inconsistent, poorly written and bad this season has been. Especially when other shows managed to create interesting seasons despite having the same issue of having a shortened season. And then to end the seventh season with such a terrible finale is really something. All the blame should go to the Showrunner and writers. This has been a lackluster season that wasted the first three episodes on a cruise ship disaster that didn't amount to anything. Then continued the season with more uneventful things with a few good episodes, moments and scenes sprinkled here and there. But overall this has been a very disappointing season. And why were the characters so out of character?

I feel like there is a disconnect with the Showrunner and writers in what they think makes for good storytelling. As well as what they think the audience is interested in seeing. It feels like old and outdated drama that's poorly written, rushed and unsatisfying. It's starting to feel like it was a mistake for 9-1-1 to have gotten an early eighth season renewal because that allowed the Showrunner and writers to put out such terrible storylines since they didn't have to worry about getting renewed. Ever since the fifth season, 9-1-1 has continued on this steady decline in quality writing. I still love watching the show but the writing and storylines truly need to improve. But I'm not anticipating that to happen since some of seventh season terrible storylines will go into the next season. I'm going to write more about the finale and the seventh season but for now this has just been a terrible way to end the season. Simply put, 9-1-1 is in need of better writers.

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