Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Characters Reading: Video: Kate Beckett (Castle)

Throughout the Castle episode Fool Me Once (season 2 episode 4), Police Detective Katherine "Kate" Beckett was constantly being annoyed by writer Richard Castle to see if she had read his latest book Heat Wave. Earlier in the episode, she had started reading it during a relaxing candle lit bath.

What I like about Kate is that she's an avid reader and prior to meeting Castle she was a big fan of his books. She still was but I like that she tried not to add to his giant ego by letting him know how much she loves his books. And since she read all his other books, it's a given that she was going to read Heat Wave. But I do wonder if a comment about the book having a steamy sex scene had her wanting to read that scene as soon as possible.

So by the end of the episode, she probably thought she could take a little break and go to the women's restroom to read. Well, most likely to find that scene and read it. Too bad she was surprised by Castle but he did tell her what page that scene was on.

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