Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Book Girl Thoughts: What Kind of Reader Am I

Happy Wednesday, Bookworms! I've been seeing this What Kind of Reader Am I poll/quiz going around and thought I'd answer it:

Are you a morning or evening reader?

I can read at any time of the day but I enjoy reading in the morning the most.

Do you prefer physical books, audiobooks or ebooks?

My first choice would be a physical book. I just love holding a book and turning the pages. I don't mind reading ebooks (I do have a reader) or listening to audiobooks. But I would choose an ebook over an audiobook and that's because as a visual learner, I find reading a book (whether physical or ebook) a better way for me to engage with the story.

Do you prefer paperback or hardback?

I love both. I love how sturdy a hardcover is as well as I love how floppy and convenient and easy to carry a paperback is.

Do you like new or old releases?

Again, both. My main interest is the story so it doesn't matter if it's a new or old book.

Do you like dramatic, emotional or happy stories?

I guess it depends on what I want to read. I love reading all types of books. The book I'm currently reading is a Young Adult book that's a little dramatic/emotional but mostly fun and light-hearted.

When reading do you prefer silence or noise?

I prefer silence but I guess it depends on what I'm reading. Because if it's a regular book, I don't have a problem reading if the TV is on or there's music playing or if there's any noise outdoors. However, if I'm reading a reference book that I need to concentrate on then I prefer silence.

Do you prefer to use bookmarks or to dog-ear pages?

I definitely use bookmarks. There's nothing against dog-earing pages, I would just rather use a bookmark to save my page.

Are you a mood reader or go by your TBR (To Be Read) list?

I guess both. I know at times I like to pick a book based on what I'm in the mood to read. However, there are time when I go by TBR list and pick a book from that.

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