Friday, April 25, 2014

Book Review: The Blood Gospel

Book: The Blood Gospel (The Order of The Sanguines book #1) by James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell

Source: Library

Rating: 1 star (Did Not Finish)


This started out really good, I thought it was exciting and the story was fast paced. But it started to lose focus and there was way too much going on. The story felt like a bad cross between a Dan Brown book, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Indiana Jones and some of those modern vampire stories.

No where in the description does it mention anything about vampires. I did think the story had a lot of suspense in the beginning but with the sloppy writing and a story that's all over the place it couldn't keep me engaged. You would think a story full of archaeology, vampires, and adventure would be interesting but it started to get bogged down by the continuous religious references, ridiculous vampire stuff and a subpar romance. 

One thing I have to agree with the description is "some books should never be found, never opened", because truer words have never been spoken about this book. This was like a third rate Dan Brown novel and a complete waste of time.

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