Saturday, March 28, 2015

Reader Question: Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman's new costumes

donutpinkiepie asked: What do you think of the new costume changes for DC's Trinity?


Donutpinkiepie, thank you for writing in.

If you're not sure what the reader's question is about, they are referring to the upcoming new changes to Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman's costumes. When DC Comics returns after their Convergence "break", they will be implementing new changes (a.k.a. more gimmicks) starting with changing Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman's iconic suits (again).

By now nearly everyone probably seen pictures of the new changes, if not I posted them below. I really wasn't going to talk about those changes because initially I was hoping it was just an early April Fool's Day joke but of course DC lost their sense a humor once the New 52 was created. My answer to your question is simple, I really can't stand any of these new looks.


As for Superman, I seriously can't believe they put him back in jeans and a t-shirt. He looks anything but heroic. This is so generic, take away the Super symbol and this is just some random angry guy about to get into another fight.


Seriously, why is Batman in this idiotic robot suit? He's Batman not Iron Man and please tell me that is not a gun he has in his hand.

Wonder Woman

This suit is so laughable. What were they thinking? Did they just decide to just draw every imaginable item of clothing possible to put on her. This is just too busy. What is with those shoulder pads, thigh high boots, crotch flap and blades? I'm surprised they didn't give her a face mask.

Sometimes it's embarrassing being a DC Comics fan when they do stupid stuff like this.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, please e-mail me at:

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