Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Movie Review: Daphne & Velma

I know I mainly review books but I recently watched "Daphne & Velma" and wanted to post something about it.

No one solves mysteries better than Mystery Inc. and that continues in this Scooby-Doo prequel movie Daphne & Velma. In this movie, Daphne Blake (Sarah Jeffery) and Velma Dinkley (Sarah Gilman) go from online friends to real life friends after Daphne's family relocated to Ridge Valley. Daphne was happy for the move because not only was she was going to attend the high tech school Ridge Valley High but finally meet her online friend Velma (who also goes to RVH).

Daphne's first day of school was perfect (almost too perfect), she wore the right outfit, she met some new friends, aced her first test but what soured the day was that Velma didn't seem happy to see her. In fact she completely ignored Daphne and when she did have to speak to her, you could tell Velma was reluctant to do it. At the end of school, Daphne was trying to talk to a still unwelcoming Velma when they found themselves seeing something weird involving one of Daphne's new friends, Spencer. Just as they were trying to look into it, Daphne's father suddenly appeared which sort of put a damper on things.

Before I continue, I wanted to go back to Daphne's perfection which really didn't sit well with me. And that's simply because Daphne is known to be accident prone which is why she is sometimes called "Danger Prone Daphne" throughout the many variations of the Scooby-Doo series and movies. Her parents (mainly her father) had been doing everything they could to ensure her life was perfect and keeping her out of harms way (all without her knowing). However, with that secret now revealed, Daphne wanted to live her life without her parents meddling. So for the next day of school, instead of being the peak of perfection she was the clumsy "Danger Prone" Daphne fans know and love.

Anyway, back to the review, with Daphne still hurt by Velma's rejection she was going to enjoy her new school but she couldn't help noticing that something was really wrong with Spencer. He went from being the student with the best grades to barely being able to function, he was a walking empty shell. Daphne knew something was wrong but she couldn't get Velma to help her. However, when they both got in trouble in their Chemistry class it sort of broke the ice with the two finally on their way to fixing their friendship.

There was a reason Velma had been shunning Daphne, she was trying to protect her. Velma had already known that something strange was happening to the top students at school and she had purposely been tanking her own grades. And while Velma liked to solve mysteries online she was hesitant to do so in real life which is the opposite of Daphne who is always ready to look into any mystery (real life or online).

Velma and Daphne stepped up their investigation when more of the top-ranked students started turning into walking pod people, but will they be able to solve the mystery?

I really liked this movie, Daphne & Velma was a vibrant and zany, humor filled engaging mystery that was so much fun to watch. I thought Daphne's cheerful personality mixes perfectly with Velma's sarcastic disposition. This was an interesting take on how these two became friends and solved their first real life mystery together. Even though, Fred, Shaggy and Scooby were not in the movie, it still felt like I was watching a Scooby-Doo movie because it had so many of the elements of the long-running franchise including a chase montage with Velma and Daphne trying to get away from a mysterious figure.

Even though I'm a big Scooby-Doo fan, that doesn't mean I like everything that has been made such as the Mystery Inc. animated series (it didn't focus as much on the mystery solving) and the Scooby-Doo! and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery animated movie (bad plot plus weird story). But I really enjoyed watching Daphne & Velma and I think it's a great addition to the world of Scooby-Doo. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend giving it a watch.

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