Friday, September 7, 2012

Art of the Day: DC Comics Home For Unwanted Heroes

Artwork: DC Comics Home for Unwanted Heroes by Mike Kevan

Last night I was reading a couple of pre-reboot comics and it just made realize how much I missed reading about some of my favorite characters. This illustration by Mike Kevan have a lot of my favorite characters in it. This picture is funny because it's like they are sitting around biding their time until they can return.

Featured are:

* Wally West/Flash with Donna Troy top landing watching TV

Sue Dibny and Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man at the table

* Lian Harper and Sin Queen (the two little girls sitting down)

* Helena Bertinelli/Huntress, Renee Montoya/The Question, Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl,

* Mia Dearden/Speedy, Stephanie Brown/Batgirl and Cassandra Cain/Batgirl watching TV

* Virgil Hawkins/Static outside the door about to enter the room

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