Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Comic Book Wednesday: April 24th Picks

Batman: The Dark Knight issue #19

I've been reading this series and I think's it pretty good. I find it to be much better than the actual Batman series.  


Ultimate Spider-Man issue #13

This series is based on the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series that's on Disney XD. I love watching the cartoon it's really funny but not stupid. Peter is still sort of training so he can get better at the superhero business. I haven't read any of the comic books before but I want to start. Hopefully it's as good as the show, I'm going to try to find this at my local comic book store.


Batman, Incorporated issue #10

I'm still not happy with this series especially since they killed off Damian Wayne. I just want to finish this up so I can see how it ends. Damian's death still doesn't have any real meaning if you ask me but hopefully there will be something worth while with the remainder of the series. Issue #13 will be the last since Grant Morrison will be leaving.

Gambit issue #11

Rogue and Gambit will be teaming up. I have to read this. Anyone else reading this series?

I, Vampire issue #19

This is the last issue for this series. I can't believe it was canceled. If you want a well written interesting series please give I, Vampire a read. I think you can pick up the 1st and 2nd volumes in trade as well the single issues at the comic book stores.

Katana issue #3

Besides having her own series, Katana can also be seen in Justice League of America and was a part of Birds of Prey (issue #15 was her last appearance). Despite the exposure, Katana's series is still not pulling in the readers. Which I'm not sure why? It's very good. Maybe DC should think about perhaps doing a bit more with promoting this series. I really hope it doesn't get canceled.

Superman Family Adventures issue #12

This is the finale issue to this amazing little series. Superman Family Adventures is one of my favorite series (I'm sure I've mentioned that a few times), it's soo funny. Too bad it's also been canceled.

Young Avengers issue #4

I've been really enjoying this series. It's been fun to read and I like all the characters. Young Avengers is how the new 52 Teen Titans should be. A group of teen heroes who actually feel like a team and are not totally angst ridden.


Justice League Dark issue #19

This series is so much more interesting than the main Justice League series. I love all the big names in the Justice League but that book and most of the characters are just not that great. But this series has been really great to read despite Zatanna's horrible outfit. 

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