Saturday, July 27, 2013

Confession: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley


That's exactly how I feel. Ginny and Harry are great characters just not great together in a relationship. It felt like J.K. Rowling put Harry and Ginny together for two reasons: 1) So, Harry could marry into the Weasley family and have the loving and caring family he's always wanted and 2) So, Harry could recreate the image of his parents.

I didn't see any real chemistry between those two and it seem like it happened out of the blue. In the books, Harry barely notices Ginny in a romantic way, she might have had a bit of an infatuation with him early on but she had gotten over him. Then all of a sudden in the sixth book, they some how fall in love. It just wasn't believable. Their relationship was very under developed and resulted in it appearing rushed.

I thought they were better as friends than being paired in a relationship. But I can't change the books.

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