Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday Summary: for July 7th

My weekend was filled with relaxing and catching up on some of my reviews. I've also gotten a little behind on my Amazing Spider-Man and Silver Surfer reading. This week I'm going to try to see how many issues I can read so I can get caught up with the rest of the group.

I also bought a few books including: Green Arrow: Year One and a Nancy Drew book. A few days ago I wrote that I didn't have any book fears but I realized that I do. I have a fear of buyers remorse. Since, I don't read my books immediately after I purchase them I do worry a little if the book is going to suck by the time I get around to reading it. And by then it's passed the time that I can return it. So if there's a book I feel a little iffy about I try to check to see if the library has it first before I buy it.

Over the weekend, I also went to the comic book store to pick up a few books, I found out that there is going to be an Avatar: The Last Airbender comic book series. I seriously can't wait because that is one of my favorite shows. I also picked up the first book in the new Image Comics series "Lazarus" written by Greg Rucka. I will try to post the review as soon as possible.

I'm still reading "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" and most likely will be finished by either Wednesday or Thursday. Well, that it. Oh, I almost forgot that I baked some cupcakes. I'll try to post a picture. I think they turned out pretty well.

Goodbye and I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

~ Book Girl

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