Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Book Review: New Warriors #2 (Marvel Now)

New Warriors #2

Book: New Warriors #2 by Christopher Yost and illustrations by Marcus To with color by David Curiel

Rating: 5 stars


This series continues to be a lot of fun and I'm enjoying getting to know these characters. The second issue opens in New York with a young man taking the subway when there is an accident with the train. Unfortunately, he's was accused of being the cause of it by the passengers because he's an inhuman regardless that he saved a little boy during the accident. As he is walking away from the stopped train, he spots Sun Girl fighting the High Evolutionaries.

Back in New Salem, Justice and one of the Salem Seven (Vertigo) were being attacked by the High Evolutionaries but got some help from Speedball and the rest of the Salem Seven. The High Evolutionaries keep saying they are there to save human life but at the cost of the lives of mutants and nonhumans.

Meanwhile in Mexico, Kaine misunderstood Faira Sar Namora's request for heroes and after seeing the dead bodies around her in the water he thought she was the cause to their death. He immediately went on the offense and attacked her. But the Atlantean can definitely hold own in a fight however if it wasn't for Aracely stepping in the issue wouldn't have been resolved. And just when the truth was found out the High Evolutionaries appeared.

Back in New York, Justice and Speedball arrive at the Avengers Tower seeking help but there are no heroes around at the moment. But Justice was able to contact Cyclops and received some additional information about the High Evolutionaries before they are alerted to a problem in the subway.

Meanwhile back in the subway, Sun Girl is trying to protect some of the Morlocks from being killed. Although the High Evolutionaries have no desire to kill humans they don't take Sun Girl's interference lightly and just when they plan their attack on her, the young man from the beginning of the story stepped in to help. But it wasn't until Justice and Speedball showing up that caused their attackers to leave.

This ends with Nova being held captive by the actual High Evolutionary claiming that Sam was the only hope for humanity.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. The writing continues to be strong and has a good balance of drama, humor and action and the artwork is still pretty amazing.

I really enjoyed this and I'm looking forward to reading the third issue.

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