Thursday, September 25, 2014

Currently Reading: Chengli and the Silk Road Caravan and Bird Box

I am nearly finished reading 84 Ribbons and should have review in a couple of days.

The premise for both of these books below seem really interesting and I can't wait to start reading them.

Book: Chengli and the Silk Road Caravan by Hildi Kang

Source: Borrowed from Publisher/NetGalley for an honest review

Publication: Available now


Chengli is an orphaned errand boy who lives in Chang’an China in 630 A.D. His mother has died from illness and his father is presumed dead after disappearing into the desert when Chengli was a baby.

Now thirteen, Chengli feels ready for independence. He is drawn to the desert, beckoned by the howling of strange winds and the hope of learning something about his father—who he was and how he died.

Chengli joins the caravan to travel down the merchant route known as the Silk Road, but it is a dangerous life, as his father knew. The desert is harsh, and there are many bandits, particularly drawn to Chengli's caravan because a princess, her servants, and royal guards are traveling with them.

This story invites readers to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of this fabled desert route.

Book: Bird Box by Josh Malerman

Source: Library


Most people ignored the outrageous reports on the news. But they became too frequent, they became too real. And soon, they began happening down the street. Then the Internet died. The television and radio went silent. The phones stopped ringing. And we couldn't look outside anymore. Malorie raises the children the only way she can; indoors. The house is quiet. The doors are locked, the curtains are closed, mattresses are nailed over the windows. They are out there. She might let them in. The children sleep in the bedroom across the hall. Soon she will have to wake them. Soon she will have to blindfold them. Today they must leave the house. Today they will risk everything.

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