Monday, November 17, 2014

New Interview with Wonder Woman writer Meredith Finch Makes You Wonder if She's the Right Person for the Job

Cover art for Wonder Woman issue #36 by David Finch and Richard Friend

Have you read the latest interview from Geek Mom with the new Wonder Woman series writer Meredith Finch? If you haven't please do (or don't if you do not want to be mad) that interview doesn't bode well with the new direction this series is going to be taking. It also shows that the writer doesn't know anything about Wonder Woman. It makes me wonder how such a newbie writer (who has only wrote one comic book) got the chance to write for the series especially since she doesn't know anything about who Wonder Woman is and what she stands for. This is Wonder Woman we're talking about, one of the top characters of DC Comics.

This is how Meredith Finch describes WW:

For me, Wonder Woman is the epitome of love. Superman is good. Batman is brilliance. Wonder Woman brings the strength of unconditional love.

So, there is no way Wonder Woman can be good or brilliant she's just all about the love. Yes, that's exactly who she is, Diana goes around doling out hugs and kisses while Batman apparently is the only one out of the three who gets to use his brain. It's bad enough Brian Azzarello's run turned her into the God of War now she will be the God of Love.

During the interview Meredith glossed over the feminist issue and pretty much praised her husband's cheesecake artwork.

Another point of the interview that struck a cord with me was when Meredith was asked why she was the right person to write for the series. Her answer was:

I don’t know that I can unabashedly say that I’m the right person for the job. However, I do know that I have a deep affection for the character and feel really connected to who she is and what she’s all about. Being a mother is such an amazing, joyful, intense experience, and it’s that unconditional love that I feel for my children that I’m bringing to the character of Wonder Woman. It takes us mortals a long time to garner the kind of wisdom Diana seems to have been born with. Hopefully I can share some of my knowledge and experience with her as we get to know each other.

She has a deep affection for a character she knows nothing about. Alright, who did DC Comics owe a favor to for her to get this job because her answer makes no sense. Hey, I never wrote a comic book but I do know and understand who Wonder Woman is can I, as well as all the other WW fans write for the series too.

This is a truly a bad interview. It's just screams I'm a newbie. I really hope this series doesn't fail because this new interview with Meredith Finch doesn't show she has a clear understanding of the character.


Anonymous said...

Read that interview and I agree with you about DC owing someone a favor. Because how did she get that job?

With only one comic book to her credentials how does someone go about becoming the new writer of Wonder Woman.

Her husband must have had something to do with it. Because I can't see her just sending in a resume to DC Comics and getting offered to write this series.

-- Matt

Book Girl said...

Matt thanks for commenting.

It does make you wonder doesn't it, with how she really got the job because I doubt that most new writers could land such a top job after only writing one comic book.