Monday, March 23, 2015

Currently Reading for Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon book #5: A Vote of Confidence

Although I'm reading the digital edition of this book, it's still been sitting on my shelf (well e-shelf) for quite a while. I got this when it was free for a time and thought hey why not, it is free. So, I'm hoping this will be a good read. The description seems interesting.

Update: The description doesn't state it but this is a faith based book and I just added the spiritual label for this.

Book: A Vote of Confidence (Sisters of Bethlehem Springs book #1) by Robin Lee Hatcher


In A Vote of Confidence, the stage is set for some intriguing insight into what it was like during 1915 to be a woman in a 'man's world.'

Guinevere Arlington is a beautiful young woman determined to remain in charge of her own life. For seven years, Gwen has carved out a full life in the bustling town of Bethlehem Springs, Idaho, where she teaches piano and writes for the local newspaper. Her passion for the town, its people, and the surrounding land prompt Gwen to run for mayor. After all, who says a woman can't do a man's job?
But stepping outside the boundaries of convention can get messy. A shady lawyer backs Gwen, believing he can control her once she's in office. A wealthy newcomer throws his hat into the ring in an effort to overcome opposition to the health resort he's building north of town. When the opponents fall in love, everything changes, forcing Gwen to face what she may have to lose in order to win.

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