Monday, August 3, 2015

Book Review: How Stella Got Her Grove Back

Book: How Stella Got Her Groove Back by Terry McMillan

Rating: 1 (Did Not Finish)


I really tried to like this but I couldn't. It was so hard to enjoy reading this with the all the run on sentences which is Stella's fast paced inner monologue. I struggled to get to page 92 before I decided I couldn't read any more.

The story follows Stella Payne who always has a plan for everything in her life, decides to take an impulsive trip to Jamaica for a vacation while her son is away visiting with his father.

Stella, who is a divorced 42 years old woman, was no longer enjoying her life and thought this vacation would give her a chance to feel alive again. And while on vacation she meets a younger man where she contemplates a spur of the moment romance with him.

I had problems with this book, from the run on sentences and the lack of commas (and other punctuations) to the main character. There were just way too many. I guess this was written as a way for the reader to see Stella's thoughts in a stream of consciousness sort of way. But instead of getting to understand who Stella was, it put me off. From her inner monologue, you get to see how she feels about any and everything, and it's not very nice. Stella's not a likeable character. Plus, she complained far too much instead of just relaxing and enjoying her vacation.

This should have been a fun book where Stella decides to take a very much needed vacation since she is very stressed and feels as if she's no longer her fun self. There was so much potential with this book but instead of a well written story it's mostly Stella's long winded inner monologue that's not interesting.

I have seen where many who have read the book and seen the movie say that the movie is so much better than the book. I have not seen the movie but I plan to. Hopefully, it is indeed the better option.

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