Thursday, October 15, 2015

Decluttering: Treasure Among the Trash

A few of days ago, I read an article about decluttering and it detailed why we hold on to so much stuff. That article had been milling around in my head for a while and it got me thinking about finally tackling a cleaning project I've let slide for a long time which is cleaning out my basement storage unit.

Yesterday evening, I decided to go downstairs and get started on cleaning it out. There were so many things I forgot that I had put down there. There was stuff from high school, college and post college left down there to collect dust. A lot of my sorority stuff was down there along with my graduation cap, gown and honor cords all siting in boxes. I still don't know what to do with them.

There were a lot of things I should have gotten rid of years ago such as old text books, term papers, old clothes and a lot of old knick-knacks.

I spent most of the night bagging up stuff to donate and recycle, I wound up getting rid of a large number of boxes and bags filled with stuff. Going through all of that made me realize how much I've accumulated over the years but it also gave me the chance to find items I forgot I had such as my two Audrey Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany's Barbie dolls. I can't believe they were just sitting down there.

Side Note: For the die hard Barbie collectors, I do have the pink clutch that came with the doll. I just forgot to place it in her hand before I took the pictures.

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