Wednesday, October 28, 2015

TV Round Up: Vixen episodes #3-6

Vixen animated series  CW Seed (

I'm disappointed that Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, Gotham and the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow all have live action shows but Vixen only got an animated series. If you can even count it as a series since the six episodes range in time from a little over 3 minutes to less than 7 minutes per show. They couldn't even bother to make it a half hour or an hour per episode.

Something else that annoyed me about this whole thing is that they had to feature The Flash and Green Arrow characters instead of letting Vixen star in her own albeit diminutive series. Yes, I know it's connected to the Arrow/Flash universe but they didn't need to show them for that to work.

Something that I do love is how Mari/Vixen is written in the series but there is just not enough screen time for this show.

Now that my rant is over here's my review for the last four episodes:

Episode #3:

In this episode, Mari was talking things over with her foster dad while trying to figure out her new purpose now that she knows what her necklace can do. She demonstrated a few of her abilities to her dad but before she could make any decisions about what she was going to do, The Flash and Green Arrow show up unannounced and unwelcomed at her dad's home. Not waiting around to find out what they want, she invokes the power of the cheetah and runs off.

Episode #4:

This episode picks up right where the third one ended with Mari attempting to get away from Green Arrow and The Flash. As both "heroes" chase her throughout the city and not to mention Green Arrow was shooting arrows at her, they claimed they only showed up just to talk. Really, who shoots arrows at someone just to talk.

This episode would have been better without those two idiots showing up as well as the presence of Felicity. Oh and stupid Green Arrow didn't even believe Mari when she told them she wasn't in Central City when the particle accelerator exploded instead he had to contact Felicity and have her tell him the exact same thing Mari said. How ridiculous is that? Thankfully she told those two idiots off before she took off.

With most of the episode wasted on that nonsense, Mari trying to seek additional information about her necklace went back to the university to see Professor Macalester. Unfortunately for her it turned into an ambush with a mysterious woman and her two goons showing up to take the necklace.

Episode #5:

In Mari's attempt to get away from the mysterious woman, she was shot but when she woke up she was in for a huge shock. For one thing she was no longer in Detroit but in Africa and two she found out who the mysterious woman was, Kuasa her older sister. While there she found out the truth about the necklace and why her sister wanted it. Although the necklace had bonded with Mari that was not going to stop her sister from trying to get it.

Episode #6:

In this last episode, Mari had to go up against her sister to get back the necklace. During all of this, she discovered who she really was and now knew what she wanted to do which was to go back home to Detroit and be the hero of her city. But talking that over with her dad didn't last long before those two idiots showed up again, seriously they didn't need to be on this show. Of course Oliver was doing that same old spiel he gives to anyone trying to be a hero, that they're not trained. Who made him the authority on who should or should not be a hero? He really is just as off putting on this show as much as he is on his own show.

I loved that Mari wanted to figure things out for herself instead of immediately joining up with the Arrow/Flash brigade. Although I do wish she was the one who came up with her code name instead of Cisco.

I really do want a full length Vixen series, be it animated or live action but I definitely only want it to focus on Vixen and building up her world. Episodes #1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 were rather good but episodes #4 and the ending of #6 spent way too much time showing The Flash and Green Arrow which took away from the focus of the show, which is Vixen. There was no point in Cisco, The Flash, Green Arrow and Felicity (at least it was only her voice) even being on this show.

Overall, these six episodes are fascinating to watch and if you have not seen them yet, please give them a chance.

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