Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I Miss Superman!

Artwork: Superman in Flight by JPRart

I miss Superman and Clark Kent. I wonder how DC Comics is going to fix this huge mess they've made of Superman. Lack of costume aside, he is Superman in name only, currently he's nothing more than an angry street fighter looking for any opportunity to brawl. Superman is nearly unrecognizable, DC Comics have taken away so much from him: his parents Jonathan and Martha Kent who are dead, his secret identity, his job, his personality and more.

Reading Superman and Action Comics you no longer see a heroic character who stood for so much, what you see now is a dark and twisted version living in a dark and dreary world.

I don't know if this is DC Comics way of trying to appease fans but there are two recent books that give fans a glimpse of the old (non-dark and gritty) Superman in the series Superman: Lois & Clark and the miniseries Superman: American Alien.

I don't think the executives over there at DC Comics understand who Superman is. They have one of the most iconic characters in their possession and instead of writing amazing stories that showcase the Man of Steel they are too busy trying to turn him into a street fighter.

DC Comics has a rich history one they have seemed to push aside for something more "edgy and cool". Maybe one day the climate will change over at DC Comics and Superman will once again be the hero he once was but until then there is always Superman: Lois & Clark and Superman: American Alien. The only two books that seem to get who Superman is.


Anonymous said...

I stopped reading all the main Superman books when DC You had Superman de-powered, Street fighting and riding around on a motorcycle. Thinking about picking up Superman: Lois and Clark and American Alien are they any good?

Book Girl said...

Thank you for commenting.

If you're still thinking about reading Superman: Lois & Clark and Superman: American Alien please do. I read the first two issues of Superman: Lois & Clark and they're both really good. I also loved reading the first issue of Superman: American Alien.

Both comics show the Superman stories that I really miss. Let me know if you decide to give them a read.

Happy Thanksgiving!