Saturday, May 14, 2016

365 Days of Books of Interest: Day #133: Romeow and Juliet

I found yet another cozy mystery series and this one centers around cats, tourism and murder. I haven't read anything by this author but I'm interested in giving this first book a read. I hope this is a good read, I will add it to my wishlist.

Book: Romeow and Juliet (Whales and Tails book #1) by Kathi Daley


Romeow and Juliet is the first in a cozy mystery series set on Madrona Island, a fictional island within the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State. As a fourth generation islander Caitlin Hart is struggling to make her way as the economy and culture of the island evolves toward a tourism based industry. Cait lives in a cabin on her aunt's oceanfront estate where she helps her aunt run Harthaven Cat Sanctuary. When she isn't working with the cats, she helps best friend Tara, operate the coffee bar/bookstore/cat lounge they own, named Coffee Cat Books.

In the first installment to the series Cait and her dog Cody find the body of a member of the island council dead in the back room of the old fish cannery. As Cait delves into the murder she finds herself with an unlikely sleuthing partner that might just lead to a relationship of a more personal kind.

Meanwhile, Romeo, a stray cat that followed Cait home, is causing all sorts of problems for Cait, in spite of dire warnings from the neighbor next door, he refuses to stay away from her very expensive show cat, Juliet. Could Romeo really be trying to tell Cait something about the neighbor that she initially refuses to see?

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