Monday, August 15, 2016

Currently Reading: The Jane Austen Book Club

I bought this for 80 cent at my favorite thrift store a couple of years ago, this is going to be one of those rare occasions where I saw the movie before reading the book. Despite being a huge Jane Austen fan, I am not in any book clubs or reading groups for the author or her books. I think it might be kind of nice to join one, maybe I'll look into it.

Book: The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler

Edition: Paperback


In California's Central Valley, five women and one man join to discuss Jane Austen's novels. Over the six months they get together, marriages are tested, affairs begin, unsuitable arrangements become suitable, and love happens. With an eye for the frailties of human behavior and an ear for the absurdities of social intercourse, Karen Joy Fowler has never been wittier nor her characters more appealing. The result is a delicious dissection of modern relationships.

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