Friday, September 2, 2016

365 Days of Books of Interest: Day #244: X-Men: Storm

Storm is one of my favorite characters, her abilities to control the weather is an impressive power. No wonder many consider her to be a Goddess. I have been trying to find more Storm centric stories and this is an older miniseries that I would like to read. It's too bad that Storm's ongoing series was cancelled but with the character's popularity never really wavering I'm sure at some point she will get another series.

Until then I will try my best at finding and reading some of these older stories.

Book: X-Men: Storm (issues #1-4) by Warren Ellis and Terry Dodson


Long ago, Storm won leadership of the underground mutant community known as the Morlocks. But her reign was a distant one, and Storm's neglected subjects grew increasingly embittered. Ultimately, the mad Mikhail Rasputin swept the Morlocks away into another dimension - a harsh dimension where time ran much faster than normal. There, the next generation of Morlock children came of age, hard and cold and bitter. They returned as a terrorist unit called Gene Nation, and Storm nearly had to slay their leader to defeat them. Disturbed by her actions, haunted by the guilt of failing the Morlocks, Storm seeks a new balance in her life. But when she is abducted to Mikhail's brutal dimension, can Storm prevail against the living reminders of her failure? Or will the sins of her past drag her down?

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