Friday, September 2, 2016

Book Girl Thoughts: The Joy of Reading Outside

"One benefit of summer was that each day we had more light to read by." ~ Jeanette Walls

I love that quote because I don't know how many times I have enjoyed a few extra hours of reading without having to turn on the light. I also found another wonderful benefit to summer and that's the joy of being able to read outside.

I've mentioned in a previous post how much I envy anyone who has a balcony but that has since passed. Well, at least for now, since I found this little green space near where I live. Sometimes it's hard to believe I actually found this amazing spot in the city. And I'm not the only one, I've seen several neighbors sitting out there as well.

While I'm sitting out there reading, I find it to be so relaxing. I can hear the birds singing and chirping in the trees and coupled with the beautiful scenery, it makes me feel like I stepped into a fairytale setting.

Over the summer, I've completely relished every moment I can sitting out there. And with these sunny days quickly dwindling I am going to make the most of every minute of it before the cold weather returns. Finding a gem like this only makes summer reading that much more exquisite.

Do you have a favorite outdoors reading spot? I would love to hear about it.

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