Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cause: How You Can Help in Supporting Standing Rock

I'm still on the fence about celebrating Thanksgiving it just doesn't seem right especially with everything that's been happening to the First Nation people in their stand against the pipeline in North Dakota. Many tribes and supporters have gathered for a peaceful protest in trying to protect the water unfortunately they have been met with militarized force by the police.

Tomorrow my family and other family members are supposed to go over to my aunt and uncle's house to celebrate the holiday but my heart is certainly not in it. I'm thinking of passing on the day to do something else, if I don't go I will make it up to my family another time.

If you have been hearing about the protest against the Dakota Pipeline and are interesting in wanting to help below is information I found on Twitter:

How To Take Action With #StandingRock

Call for the Army Corps of Engineers' Permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline to be rescinded:

* Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
* Call the Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903
* Call North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple at (701)-328-2200
* Call or Email your Congressional Representatives and Senators

Support the Sacred Stone Camp

* Donate items
* Contribute to Legal Defense Fund:
* Contribute via gofundme:

Tell the executives of Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. to stop building the pipeline:

* Lee Hanse, EVP    (201) 403-6455
* Glenn Emery, VP  (201) 403-6762
* Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst    (713) 989-2404

Start or join events in your area at

Read, talk, post Tweet -get others to join in demanding that the Dakota Access Pipeline be stopped, Standing Rock Sioux be heard and our treaties be honored.

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