Thursday, April 20, 2017

Book Girl Thoughts: Springtime and the Wonder Woman Movie

I'm in various stages of writing up three book reviews which is why I haven't posted any since last Thursday. I should have them finished relatively soon. Until then, I'm going to continue reading Someday, Someday, Maybe which I'm nearly finished with and New Moon.

I think I have Spring Fever because I've been completely struck by Spring Cleaning. I really want to declutter and get organized and get rid things I no longer want. The last time I did a big clean was last June when I organized the Marie Kondo way using the author and organizer's book Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class to the Art of Decluttering and Organizing. I already rechecked it out from the library I'm just trying to figure when I should start.

This picture of Zendaya truly represents my current Spring mood because I just feel so energized and ready to embrace the season. I totally want a fresh flowers around my small yet soon to be organized place.

I really can't wait to see the Wonder Woman movie, I hope I'm not bombarding you too much with my movie challenge. I just feel like this is such a historic event of Wonder Woman's first big screen movie that I had to do something about the lack of marketing and promotion for it. Fans have really started to notice how scarce Warner Bros. and DC Comics have been in regards to promoting this movie. It makes me wonder how much money was allotted for marketing this movie?

I guess any day now the trailers will start appearing on TV but I didn't want to wait for that which is why I created my challenge. My goal is to post something movie related until the release date (Friday, June 2nd).

Well, that's it for now enjoy this spring day.

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