Friday, April 21, 2017

Book of Interest: The Witch's Market

I have been looking for something different and as soon as I read the description for The Witch's Market, I immediately added it to my wishlist. I wonder if this is one of those books where the character finds out that magic is real or she simply becomes fascinated by all the research on witchcraft and the joy of everyday magic. However, the story goes, it definitely seems interesting.

Book: The Witch's Market by Mingmei Yip


Chinese-American assistant professor Eileen Chen specializes in folk religion at her San Francisco college. Though her grandmother made her living as a shamaness, Eileen publicly dismisses witchcraft as mere superstition. Yet privately, the subject intrigues her.

When a research project takes her to the Canary Islands—long rumored to be home to real witches—Eileen is struck by the lush beauty of Tenerife and its blend of Spanish and Moroccan culture. A stranger invites her to a local market where women sell amulets, charms, and love spells. Gradually Eileen immerses herself in her exotic surroundings, finding romance with a handsome young furniture maker. But as she learns more about the lives of these self-proclaimed witches, Eileen must choose how much trust to place in this new and seductive world, where love, greed, and vengeance can be as powerful, or as destructive, as any magic.

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