Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Book Review for Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon: New Moon

Book: New Moon (Twilight book #2) by Stephenie Meyer

Edition: Paperback


I knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. I was perfect -- not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place.

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning...

Rating: 5 stars


Was New Moon a better read than Twilight? Surprisingly it was but there is something very disturbing about Bella Swan. I will go into that a little later but first the review. The sequel opens with Bella not interested in celebrating her birthday but Alice Cullen, who was more excited to celebrate than Bella, put together a party at the Cullen's home. However, a simple paper cut ruined the festivities. In trying to protect Bella from Jasper, Edward made the situation worse when he accidentally pushed her into the table where she ended up cutting her arm and bleeding even more. Bleeding wouldn't be a problem under normal circumstances but being with vampires makes it very life or death. Even though the Cullens have abstained from drinking human blood, the temptation was still too tempting for all of them except Dr. Carlisle.

The entire incident gave Edward a new perspective on his and Bella's relationship, there was an immediate distance in his behavior towards her. She figured things would go back to normal but she was caught off guard when he broke up with her and that his family were moving away. This news completely devastated her and left her extremely broken.

As days and weeks passed by, Bella spiraled down and became nothing more than an empty shell. Her attempt to go to a movie with a friend to show her father she was okay (which she really wasn't) only introduced her to a new opportunity for reckless and dangerous behavior. Her new behavior was bad in and of itself but it came with an unexpected benefit of hearing Edward's voice.

Reuniting with her old friend Jacob Black seemed to get Bella out of her emptiness whenever she was around him. But it did nothing to stop her new extreme behavior, in fact, he had sort of unknowingly became her enabler. When she wasn't pursuing her next adrenaline rush she was enjoying her time with Jacob which only made his crush on her grow.

But as their friendship started to become stronger Jacob stopped hanging out with her. She was again devastated and she was sure it had something to do with Sam Uley and the small group he hung out with. Back to the emptiness and hanging out on her own, it probably wasn't a good idea to go off into the woods. Not when Laurent, a familiar yet deadly vampire, had been stalking the forest and with the Cullens gone, her surviving this situation was highly unlikely. That is until a group of giant wolves chased him off. She later found out the truth about the wolves and Jacob's connection to them but the reason behind it was unbelievable yet it had to be true. Gone was the sweet and kindhearted Jacob, his new personality had become angry and slightly possessive. He was having a hard time staying calm and in control, the littlest things agitate him which also seem to fuel his transformation.

The revelation that her best friend was a werewolf wasn't her only discover, she found out that Victoria, another deadly vampire, was after her. Victoria was seeking her revenge against Edward by going after Bella. The wolves were going to be Bella's only protection that is if she doesn't accidently get herself killed continuing her reckless behavior.

And her latest risk resulted in a misunderstanding of Alice's vision that sent Edward to Italy to end his life. It will be up to Bella to stop him but will it be too late.

This almost reads like two different stories that merge into one in the end. The story was very interesting and I found myself actually captivated the more I read. It's a shame that the description doesn't mention Jacob nor the werewolves because they do encompass a big portion of the story.

Bella's increasingly disturbing behavior makes it's really hard to understand her actions in regards to her break-up with Edward. For Bella, Edward and the Cullens had become her life and when they left, she could no longer deal with them being gone nor her broken heart. She has a desire to one day become a vampire and be a permanent member of the Cullen family but them leaving took that dream from her. Which also added to her emotional troubles. I know there's dealing with break-up blues and then there's dealing with whatever this extremeness she was going through. Bella pretty much had a break down and then resorted to doing dangerous things just to hear Edward's voice.

I know the Twilight books get a lot of hatred tossed at them but so far the first two books have been a good read. I also think what made this a better read than the first book was that Edward was shown in a limited capacity. Less is more where Edward is concerned because his overbearing and possessiveness are truly off putting.

Not sure when I will get around to reading the third book Eclipse but I might try to rearrange my TBR list to include it.

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