Tuesday, June 20, 2017

TV Round Up: Shadowhunters S2 Ep 13: Those of Demon Blood

I was so right, last night's Shadowhunters episode "Those of Demon Blood" was awesome. Shadowhunters were being killed and it looks like the Downworlders were to blame. The Clave was issuing out commands and you know nothing good would come from that. And not to mention Jace was now Head of the New York Institute.

To think his grandmother Inquisitor Imogen Herondale really thought he was suited for the job. She must have had her nepotism blinders on to make that terrible decision. I can't believe Simon and Maia were locked up in the Institute, Simon for not leaving the premises and Maia for being accused of murdering a Shadowhunter. I kept wondering why Jace didn't stand up to his grandmother? Yes, I know he just found out that he's a Herondale but he can't roll over and let his grandmother take over his life.

I was surprised that Max Lightwood returned to the Institute and will be training with his big sister Izzy. But he need to really learn that what you learn in school doesn't always work in the real world or in his case the Shadowhunter world. He should have never followed his big sister it's a good thing, Izzy, Raphael and Meliorn were there to save him.

Another thing that surprised me was Magnus actually giving Alec his hair to satisfy the Clave and to prove that Magnus didn't murder anyone. I was surprised by the scenes with Magnus and Dot, I love the dancing that was so cute it was something along the lines of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It's easy to see how that scene could have re-sparked a romance between Magnus and Dot especially since he was still a little mad at Alec. And when Dot leaned in for a kiss, Magnus in a gentlemanly way put an end to that little situation. He may have loved her centuries ago and they remained amazing friends but his heart was already taken.

This episode was really good and I adore Simon and Clary, they work on so many level. They really do care about each other and I hope that this relationship doesn't get ruined so that Clary can go back to being with Jace.

As for Jace, I'm proud of him for realizing that he was not the right person to be Head of the New York Institute and that Alec was. That takes a lot of courage to do something like that but I'm over the moon ecstatic about Maia and Jace. I hope it won't be a one off or simply a hook up because these two have so much chemistry that it's impossible not to see it. And before I forget, that fight between them at the bar was unbelievable or should I say it was totally one-sided. Jace never got a punch in, she was totally pummeling him but the end of the episode really shows how there truly is a thin line between love and hate.

Okay, now I can't wait for next week's episode which from the trailer I hope it doesn't have Clary and Jace getting back together.

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