Saturday, July 22, 2017

Fitness Fashion: I have an Issue with Padded Sports Bras

Good morning, geeks!

After working out this morning I realized I need to buy new sports bras but I haven't bought any yet because I was having such a difficult time finding ones that I like. And that's mainly because I'm not a fan of the padded sports bra.

I don't understand the need to pad a sports bra. I've been looking online to see what I can find and found two from JCPenney and three from America Eagle that I like. Now I'm trying to figure out which ones to get. At all of the stores that I looked at, a majority of the sports bras were padded with at least many having the option where you can remove the padding. Since I don't want padding to begin with, I'm steering clear from all of them.

I wonder who in sports and fashion industry decided that sports bras needed to be padded?

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