Friday, May 25, 2018

Characters Reading: Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster (Psych)

Out of this "psychic" crime fighting duo, Burton "Gus" Guster is the only one I see actually picking up a book. To either read for enjoyment or gather information for his job in pharmaceutical sales as well as looking for information to help solve a case. It should also be noted that Gus is a huge Harry Potter fan and has read all the books and seen all the movies.

Meanwhile, Shawn Spencer, who may be unbelievably observant to details, is also lazy and there is no way he's reading anything unless the book could help them solve a case. And I say even then he would probably just skim through it.

(Shawn and Gus     Psych season 5 episode 4 "Chivalry Is Not Dead... But Someone Is")

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