Monday, July 2, 2018

Book Review: Double Vision

Book: Double Vision (Twintuition book #1) by Tia Mowry and Tamera Mowry

Cover Art by Annabelle Métayer

Edition: Hardcover

Rating: 5 stars


Double Vision is a middle grade story that follows identical twin sisters Cassie and Caitlyn Waters who moved to the small town of Aura, Texas with their mother for her new job. Both of the sisters missed their old lives in San Antonio but dealt with the move in different ways. Cassie who was pessimistic really didn't want to be there and was grumpy during the entire moving in process, while, Caitlyn who is very optimistic tried to make the best out of their current situation.

While Caitlyn was wandering around downtown looking for her sister, she decided to buy a dessert at the Aura Middle School charity booth. It was being run by Lavender, Megan and Liam, three kids who go to the middle school her and Cassie will soon be attending. Something strange happened when a brush of contact from Megan's hand had Caitlyn seeing a vision but during that short amount of distracted time she accidentally grabbed Megan's hand. Which gave off the impression that she was clingy and weird.

Caitlyn had been hoping that little incident would be forgotten by the first day of school but unfortunately it had made her enemy number one to Megan and Lavender. Well at least Liam who was considered a geek, turned out to be a pretty good friend. Meanwhile, Cassie was having an equally bad day and had no idea why she was being bullied by Megan and Lavender (they thought she was Caitlyn). And it also didn't help that when she accidentally bumped into Brayden, one of the school's star football players, she had a vision when he grabbed her to help keep her steady. The twins both had separate run ins with Gabe, a kid who held a grudge against them because he believed their mother stole his uncle's job.

Their first week of school took some getting used to and since both sisters had sort of grown apart prior to their move to Aura, neither knew the other had been experiencing psychic visions. It wasn't until they went to their school's football game that they finally talked about it after their visions had come true.

True to form, Caitlyn was intrigued and wanted to know more about their abilities while Cassie really just hoped their abilities would go away. As Caitlyn did a little research to learn about their psychic powers, Cassie was planning on using her ability to become friends with the popular kids. At their old school in San Antonio, she had been popular and wanted to have that again at their new school.

The sisters were at odds because of a prank that was pulled on Liam and Caitlyn had a feeling Cassie had something to do with it. Caitlyn retaliated with a little prank on Cassie but they put a hold on the prank war once they both received different visions. They believed Gabe and his uncle were planning something against their mother but the visions only gave them a little bit of information. However, they were determined to make sure that the vision didn't come true. 

I like this story it's fast-paced and really interesting as it centers around the twins, their powers (which were steadily growing) and the mystery of them trying to prevent their vision about their mom from coming true. I also like how all the characters were written especially the twins who had very different and distinct personalities.

I enjoyed reading this and the next time I buy some new books I have to remember to pick up the second book in this four book series.

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