Monday, July 30, 2018

Teen Wolf's Mason Hewitt and Corey Bryant Should Have a Book Series

I mention back in May for a Fandom Friday post that the Teen Wolf TV series should have continued on as novels. I wrote that Kira Yukimura should have been the first character to get a trilogy series, and I think Mason Hewitt and Corey Bryant should get a book series as well. It would be a great opportunity to flesh out both of their characters by actually providing more information not only about them individually but also as a couple. Which would also include focusing on them while they attend college after graduating from high school especially since they were planning on going to the same school.

I always thought Mason (played by Khylin Rhambo) should had received more appreciation. He may not have been a supernatural being but he was a hero and not to mention he's really smart (and very into researching), kind, fearless, wise beyond his years and always willing to help others. But what I find fascinating is that he is someone who is enthusiastic about learning and can laugh at himself while enjoying life to its fullest.

I don't know why he's is so underrated and underappreciated especially since with all his positive attributes and exuberant personality, he is the type of character most would typically root for. He's also in a relationship with his equally adorable and heroic boyfriend Corey Bryant (played by Michael Johnston), a scientifically created supernatural being (referred to as a Chimera) who has powers including being able to turn invisible. Corey, who started out a bit shy and insecure, made the poor decision of joining Theo Raeken's Chimera pack after believing Theo's lies they were going to protect Beacon Hills. But he eventually made a better decision by allying with Alpha Werewolf Scott McCall and his pack.

I do have one issue in regards to the show as the writers failed to include any information about Mason's family, well aside from his parents bought him a new car for his birthday. I can't believe they never showed where he lived, nor showed his parents or mentioned their names. The closest viewers got to a backstory was when it was revealed in season 5 that he was a natural chimera (having two or more types of DNA) because he had absorbed his twin while in the womb making him a prime candidate for the Dread Doctors horrifying experiments. Aside from that, there was barely any backstory given for him. As for Corey, it was pretty much the same treatment for him, although it was alluded to his parents being neglectful towards him.

I think a book series would fix many of the issues I had with the show's lack of character development for Mason and Corey. I would also like to know more about their families, since the show really didn't provide much information as I mentioned above. It would be interesting to know if there were any side effects to Mason being transformed by the Dread Doctors into the Beast of Gevaudan as well as Corey being turned into a Chimera.

I wonder if any of the executives at MTV publishing had the idea of continuing Teen Wolf as a book series? To me that seems like an easy progression for the series. Too bad they didn't take inspiration from the Supernatural TV series which although is currently still on air, the show has a book series that features new and original stories. I doubt that MTV would ever put out any more books other than the one novel On Fire by Nancy Holder. But as a fan I can keep bringing it up and hope that other fans would be interested in a book series and we can make the idea popular enough that one day it happens.

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