Sunday, September 16, 2018

Make Time To Be Lazy and Not Only On Sunday

I was thinking about how busy everyone seems to be with Sunday sometime being the only day most people have to relax. And even then people are still rushing around doing stuff and not actually enjoying the day. So for anyone who is trying to cram in "relaxation" on Sundays perhaps another option is to try to find little pockets of free time throughout the week instead to relax.

And during that time, why not watch a movie or two, watch a few episodes of a TV show, play video games, read a book, go for a walk, bake, spend time with friends, take a nap, drink a cup of tea, etc. It really doesn't matter what you do but the point is to take time to relax and enjoy the day.

I don't always get a chance to spend my Sundays relaxing but today I did and enjoyed it by first reading a few pages of Transformers: The Veiled Threat by Alan Dean Foster, this book is set in between the first and second Transformers movies. So far it's off to an interesting start. Then sometime later, I rewatched the Black Panther movie, that movie is still amazing.

I really just want everyone to find ways to relax because it's not good to be so busy and stressed
and not taking time to enjoy life. And when you do make sure to enjoy every minute of it.

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