Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Comic Book Wednesday: February 6th Picks

Good Morning, Comic Book Fans

What books are you picking up this week?

This is probably the smallest list I've ever had for Comic Book Wednesday with only two books: Iron Man and X-23. So that means, when I go to the comic book store, I'm going to look around and see if there's anything on the shelf that I might find interesting to read.

Marvel Comics

Tony Stark Iron Man #8

Book: Iron Man #8



It whispers through many mouths. It destroys with many hands. Its only weapon is hate.

It wears human souls like masks on a stage to work its will on the world - but in the lowest hell, underneath all others, all the masks come off....and THE ONE BELOW ALL is revealed.

X-23 #9

Book: X-23 #9


The mystery surrounding the X-Assassin grows, as Laura investigates its origins and Gabby does her best to find the humanity deep in its robot heart. But the X-Assassin isn't the only threat facing the sisters!

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