Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Anne Hathaway

Do you remember when Anne Hathaway was hated? I didn't understand the backlash against her. All she did was enjoy her accomplishments after winning an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Les Misérables along with a host of other awards. Where was the harm in doing that? They accused her of being arrogant, smug, self-centered, boastful and a narcissist among other terms.

I found the backlash to be so ridiculous along with all the articles and posts that were written about her. It's not as if she was out there doing something terrible but for some reason Anne Hathaway celebrating her achievements caused a problem.

Well, I'm glad all of that animosity towards her has died down because she's really is an amazing actress.

Photography: Francesco Carrozzini for Town & Country magazine (February 2019)

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