Monday, August 26, 2019

Non-Canon Couples Week: Day #1: Finn and Poe Dameron

It's been three years since I posted my first Non-Canon Couples Week and since I have so many favorites I wanted to post some more. I'm starting the first day with one of my favorite Star Wars non-canon couples: Finn and Poe Dameron.

I have been rooting for Finn and Poe to be a couple since the moment they met in The Force Awakens when Finn (or FN-2187) deserted The First Order to help Poe. However, even more so when they reunited at the Resistance Base because at that point Finn thought Poe was dead. So, he was definitely shocked to find the pilot still alive and not to mention he got to keep Poe's jacket after Poe delivered the iconic line "keep it, it suits you". It's hard to overlook the flirty vibe between them especially with Poe biting his lip while stared at Finn.

Not since Princess Leia and Han Solo in the original Star Wars trilogy have I been rooting for two characters to be in a relationship. Poe and Finn have such a wonderful chemistry that they could have had an equally iconic and amazing love story if given the chance.

As much as I would love for Disney to make FinnPoe cannon, I doubt it will happen because they would have acknowledged or confirmed it in The Last Jedi. So, unless they plan on surprising us FinnPoe fans with something in The Rise of Skywalker, it's most likely won't happen.

Even if it doesn't happen, I don't need it to be official to still be a fan of this would-be couple.

Artwork: Finn and Poe by Monika (moishpain)

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