Friday, August 30, 2019

"The Reincarnationist Papers" is Being Adapted into a Movie

The novel The Reincarnationist Papers by D. Eric Maikranz is being adapted into a movie titled Infinite. It will star Mark Wahlberg, Sophie Cookson and Dylan O'Brien and will be directed by Antoine Fuqua. It's scheduled to be released in theatres on August 7, 2020.

I had never heard of this book but the description makes it seem like an interesting read. It feels like a cross between sci-fi and historical fiction and I wonder if it will answer the question of whether Evan Michaels' reincarnation experiences are real or something created by his imagination.

I wouldn't mind reading this for book club, would anyone else be interested in reading it as well?


Book: The Reincarnationist Papers: A Memoir of Past Lives: The Account of Evan Michaels by D. Eric Maikranz


The electrifying book that introduces readers to the Cognomina, a secret society of people who possess total recall of their past lives. "Haunted by memories of two past lives, a troubled young man stumbles upon a centuries-old secret society of similar individuals and dares to join their ranks." Evan Michaels' now public account takes us into this organization whose members have been agents of change throughout history.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did your book club ever decide to read my novel The Reincarnationist Papers?
I would love to dial in and discuss with your group via web conference if you do. Thanks, Eric