Thursday, December 19, 2019

Book Girl Thoughts: Jane Austen Did Not Write "Little Women"

I'm almost finished reading Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and should have my review up soon. Something I've found interesting is that so many people mistakenly believe the story was written by Jane Austen. Without a doubt, Jane Austen wrote some absolutely amazing stories but Little Women was not one of them. Is Alcott that overlooked that her book is credited to another author?

With a new Little Women movie released in theaters next week (December 25th), maybe the posters and trailers should have prominently featured Alcott's name. Especially since it's her work that has been adapted into a movie. Well, her name is on one poster and in the trailer but it's so small you can barely see it.

I know new books and authors get more promotion and marketing nowadays (because they bring in more money) but the older ones should get a little more attention, especially if people don't know the author of a classic story.

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