Monday, December 23, 2019

Lana Lang's Inspiring Fight to Save the Talon (Smallville)

In the first season of Smallville, Lana Lang proved that if it's something you feel passionate about you should fight for it. When she found out that her Aunt Nell had sold the Talon movie theater, Lana tried to convince the new owner, Lex Luthor to restore it. However, Lex had plans to convert the building into a parking garage and turned down her request. Something I found interesting is that despite being disappointed yet again, Lana didn't let that stop her from a second attempt at convincing Lex not to tear down the theater.

In her first attempt, she tried to appeal to Lex's feelings and emotions but this time she was more prepared and presented a detailed business plan which included an idea to turn the theater into a coffee shop. The plan would also keep a small section of the theater to be used to show movies and to hold various functions. By appealing to Lex's analytical side, she was able to convince him that saving the Talon would not only be beneficial but also potentially profitable.

Lex accepting her business proposal was the start of a partnership that would have Lana taking on the role of co-business founder and manager. Combine that with being a high school student, she took on this ambitious task until her senior year of high school where she planned to go to art school in Paris, France. However, that didn't quite workout and she returned to Smallville to complete high school and to reopen the Talon but this time with her living in the apartment above the coffee shop. Another change had Martha Kent taking over as manager with Lana still overseeing the business.

What I found interesting about Lana was that in the episode Hotheads (season 1 episode 3), she was such a terrible waitress at the Smallville Beanery coffee shop that she ended up getting fired. I understand, she was a nervous newly hired waitress who could barely get orders right but once she started managing and working at the Talon, she had a much better grasp on taking orders and preparing drinks. I figure Lana took it serious that she was running a business and put a lot of time and energy into making sure the Talon succeeded.

For me the life lesson I got from Lana Lang is don't be afraid to take risks and fight for something you care about. It might have taken two chances but she did save the Talon which is why I was so disappointed that it was destroyed when Rick Flag blew it up in the final season episode Ambush (season 10 episode 7). All her hard work wasn't in vain because despite the Talon's destruction, she still created a successful business.

(Photo Credit: Geek World Radio)

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