Monday, June 8, 2020

Art of the Day: Luke Skywalker

Artwork: Luke Skywalker by Ryan Valle (R-Valle)

When Luke projected his image on Crait in The Last Jedi for the fight against his nephew Kylo Ren, I wish his lightsaber from Return of the Jedi was the one he used. I know Luke was trying to unnerve Kylo by showing himself younger and using Anakin's lightsaber. But as a fan it would have been nice to have seen him using his green lightsaber one last time and not just in a flashback scene.

I don't know why Anakin's lightsaber was treated as such a big deal in the Disney trilogy. I also think Rey should have made or had her own lightsaber in The Rise of Skywalker instead of using the Anakin/Luke lightsaber. It would have shown how much she had grown in her training and that she didn't feel the need to "earn" Luke's lightsaber. It was such a waste to show her new lightsaber in the last scenes when she could have been using it throughout the movie.

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