Monday, June 29, 2020

Move More for Better Health

How much are you moving? I keep seeing all these different reports that state that sitting too much or being inactive is just as bad for us as smoking. Being active increases blood flow and oxygen for our brains and bodies and being inactive limits it. Thinking about this made me notice how inactive I am which has nothing to do with staying in during this pandemic.

Although I exercise and walk a lot, that amount of time is nothing compared to all the time I've spent sitting down reading, watching TV, using the computer, etc. I'm going to have to make a better effort to be more active because being sedentary has become way too easy for me.

It's hard to believe that I spend a majority of my day being inactive. I guess, I figured since I exercise that was enough, but it's not and without even realizing it, I've turned into a couch potato. And that's something I'm going to change. One of the things I'm going to start doing is using a timer to make sure I take more breaks. During that time, I can move around and stretch. Another thing I'm going to do is while I'm watching a movie or TV show episodes I've seen for the umpteenth time, I'm going to use that time to stretch, walk in place or workout for at least 10-15 minutes. So that when I'm watching something I've never seen before I can sit down and enjoy it.

My goal is to move more throughout the day which will improve my health. Being active doesn't require an elaborate fitness plan just moving more is the important thing.

Artwork: Wonder Woman Working Out by zenzmurfy

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