Monday, January 18, 2021

What's Your Favorite Way to Exercise?

My favorite way to exercise is to walk. It's easy to do and walking is good for a healthy heart, immune support, cardio and reducing stress. We all know resolutions can be hard to stick with but walking has been one that I have stuck with for years. I like to walk for 30 minutes or more a day. We've all been told that sitting (for a long amount of time) is really bad for our health and walking is the easiest way to fit in a workout and move my body.

This has made a huge difference in my health by simply moving and being active. The good thing is if I don't have time to walk the full 30 minutes at once, I can do 15 minutes in the morning and the other 15 during the afternoon. Either way, it all adds up. Lately, I've been dealing with a lot of stress and walking has been a great way to relax and detach from all the stress. Every time I walk I always feel so much better. I can't recall every returning from a walking not feeling better.

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