Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Beauty: Bucky Barnes new hairstyle in "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier"

When the promo images and trailers for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier were released something I didn't expect to see was some fans being upset about Bucky Barnes' short hair. I was surprised they were complaining about it on social media and various other medium. I don't know why it's a really great cut.

(The Falcon and The Winter Soldier)

I can understand why Bucky would want to cut his hair because he probably wanted to feel like his old self again instead of wearing the long hair that represented being brainwashed as the Winter Soldier. After so many years of not being in control of himself, getting a hair cut is one of easiest ways of regaining that feeling especially after he was deprogrammed. And by Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, Bucky was starting to appear very scraggly, overgrown and rough looking and in need of a new look. Or something that resembled his old look.

(Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame)

I like his new short hairstyle, it's not the same as his old classically stylish look in Captain America: The First Avenger but something more modern and yet equally stylish. Sometimes after someone experiences a major life changing event or in Bucky's case decades of trauma, it's not surprising that a new hair cut usually follows. And after having long hair for so long this short cut feels bold and dramatic but with the style being a little spiky and messy, it makes it feel more relaxed and casual.

To address the fan complaints about Bucky's new hairstyle, I think the fans who still want the long hair may not see that it reflects his traumatic past as a brainwashed assassin and his recovery from it. While his new short hair is important because it represents a new beginning as he reclaims his life.

(Sebastian Stan on the set of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier)

(Captain America: The First Avenger)

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