Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Comic Book Wednesday: February 17th Picks

Happy Comic Book Wednesday!

I was wondering how many of my fellow comic book fans are caught up on reading their comics or are you perhaps constantly behind? I must confess that I am part of the latter. I'm not sure how I got so behind. I went from reading all of my comics as soon as I got them every Wednesday to only reading maybe one or two books then trying to find time for the others. Which I never seem to find but that's just what I'm going to have to do. I'm just going to have to get caught up because I have books and stories on my bookcase and shelves that I'm missing out on. And I really want to read them.

Anyway, what books are you getting today? Surprisingly, I have quite a few books on my list. They're all my regular but it's a good group of books which includes: Scooby-Doo, Iron Man and Miles Morales. With it being such an unusual winter, make sure to stay safe and warm.

DC Comics

Book: Batman/Catwoman #3


It’s been The Joker all along, you see.

Selina Kyle knows this. Early in her career as Catwoman, he was there to mess things up for her. Same with later, when she and Batman were finally getting together...for the third time, but still. That time stuck. No thanks to The Joker. Or to Phantasm, who now has her sights set on Catwoman because she thinks that will be her in to get after The Joker herself. And she has to do it before Batman gets to him first.

Book: Scooby-Doo! Where are You? #108


Talk of mysterious curses and lost treasure is pretty common out on the moors, but when a terrifying howling begins to haunt the night, Scooby and the gang are called upon to investigate. Finding themselves trapped in Wilson Gottrich III’s mansion with his strange guests, the gang will need their combined sleuthing skills to uncover the mystery before it’s too late to escape from the Hound of the Moors…

Marvel Comics

Book: Captain America #27



Book: Iron Man #6



After receiving a near-fatal injury from Korvac, Iron Man lands in emergency triage with his life on the line. Halcyon and Misty Knight work quickly to lock Tony in his armor and stanch his injuries…but now he can’t take it off or else he’ll die. With pieces of metal literally holding his body together, Tony regroups with his allies, all while trying not to give into his rage over being bested by Korvac.

With Hellcat on the psychological ropes and his other hero compatriots recuperating from their own near-death experiences, can Tony muster what he needs in order to chase Korvac out into space and stop the mad demigod’s quest for ultimate power? Perhaps War Machine is just the friend Tony could use in this moment…but James Rhodes might only be there to bench a manic and battered Tony from action so that he doesn’t get killed. Still, as always, Tony has never been good at taking no for an answer…

Book: Miles Morales: Spider-Man #23


There are symbiote dragons in Brooklyn, but that’s not the worst thing Miles has to face today… Knull has taken one of his best friends and is using them to go after the Spider-Man he met back in ABSOLUTE CARNAGE! Will Miles sacrifice his friend to save himself?

Book: Spider-Woman #9


Jessica’s journey for a cure and her history has taken her all the way to the High Evolutionary’s volcanic lair. Surrounded by clones of her mother, the Ice Queen and the High Evolutionary, Jessica’s hopes of finding the cure to the disease that threatens Jessica, her son Gerry and her niece are drying up by the hour.

Book: Thor #12



Once upon a time, Jane Foster and Donald Blake were more than friends. With Blake at her side, Jane could’ve shared the very throne of Asgard. Now…they are about to become the bitterest of enemies. And if Valkyrie falls, she’ll have lost more than a crown. All of the Ten Realms are at stake — not to mention the life of All-Father Thor!

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