Wednesday, March 10, 2021

TV Review: My Thoughts on 9-1-1 S4 Ep 8: Breaking Point

After watching Monday night's 9-1-1 mid-season finale episode Breaking Point (season 4 episode 8), I had a few thoughts that I wanted to go over:

- First, I was so surprised by how so many fans were upset and angry about this episode especially in regards to Eddie Diaz dating Dr. Ana Flores, I certainly was not expecting their reaction and their backlash towards the show. Some fans seem to be upset that Eddie and Evan "Buck" Buckley are still not together romantically but I see Eddie's new relationship with Ana as a attempt at him getting back into dating after the death of his wife Shannon.

Plus, I think Ana is who Eddie needs to be with at this point in his life because she's sweet, caring, safe and unassuming and it gives him a way to comfortably get back into dating. What I found interesting is that in the episode Jinx (season 4 episode 6), Eddie had to be talked into going out with Ana by his co-workers. I felt like he was still mourning his wife and was hesitant to date but needed that little push to get back out there. I did notice that their first date at the end of that episode was a little awkward, however by Breaking Point, they are definitely a lot more comfortable with each other now if Eddie is having a date with Ana at her house.

(Ana Flores and Eddie Diaz    9-1-1 season 3 episode 12 "Fools")

I think it's good that Eddie is dating again, however, I thought this relationship was moving a little too fast. I can't get over Eddie being so head over heels in love that he was so distracted that he didn't notice his son Christopher (who I believe is nine years old) left the house without him knowing. Chris somehow got his father's phone, ordered an Uber, walked out (most likely on his crutches, Chris has Cerebral Palsy) of his bedroom, down the hallway to the front door and his father, who was video chatting/Zooming with Ana in the kitchen, somehow didn't notice.

Thankfully, Chris only went to see Buck at his apartment and in a really amazing scene, Buck had a very reassuring talk with Chris. I love this scene because Chris felt safe and comfortable going over to Buck because at that moment he was too upset and uncomfortable talking to Eddie about his dad dating. I think it's so disappointing and distressing that his father was so preoccupied with Ana that Chris who was angry was able to leave the house pretty much right under his father's nose. No matter who Eddie is dating, he needs to remember that Chris is his first priority.

I don't know if Eddie and Ana will last but if by some chance the show actually decides to pursue a romantic relationship between Buck and Eddie, I think the first step is definitely Eddie getting comfortable with dating again and allowing himself to enjoy it. Fans have been building themselves up for this possible relationship that if it happens I think both Eddie and Buck need to have realized their feelings for each other are more than friendship and want to explore it. And that's not going to happen until Eddie returns to dating and figure out what he's looking for in a partner and in a relationship.

(Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley    9-1-1 season 2 episode 4 "Stuck")

Who knows if Eddie will eventually end up with Buck (which a lot fans seem to wish and hope for) but first he has to return to the world of dating before that will happen. I hate to think of Dr. Ana Flores as a starter relationship but she may well be if fan theories are correct and Eddie and Buck do end up together.

- As much as I like Albert Han, he's a fun guy, I think it's time for him to find his own place. Especially since it's a small one bedroom apartment he shares with Buck. At first, Albert was living with his older brother Howard "Howie/Chimney" Han until he moved in with Buck. Production wise, it's probably easier having main characters share a space but both Buck and Albert are way past the point of needing separate places to live. It makes no sense that Buck even needs a roommate unless he's having financial problems which the show hasn't stated. The only thing I can think of is the show needed to limit locations and sets and making these two soon to be uncles roommates is the only reason they could come up with.

Side note, I have so many questions about Albert. Does he have a job? If not, is he living off a trust fund or savings? Is he going to college? I was really just wondering what does he do with all his time? Also, does he have duel South Korean/American citizenship or is he in the US with a temporary visa? If it's the latter, I wonder if an immigration issue will happen at some point. Maybe I need to re-watch the second season 12th episode Chimney Begins to see if it will provide any answers about Chim's brother.

(Albert Han    9-1-1 season 3 episode 11 "Seize the Day")

All that aside, I don't think Albert broke up with Veronica because she didn't like his friends. I think he broke up with her to spare Buck's feelings. Buck's not used to being rejected by women which is why he couldn't get over Albert dating Veronica. There was a scene in Breaking Point where the 911 crew were waiting for a gun man to leave a roof and during the hours of negotiation, Buck was complaining about Albert and Veronica to anyone who would listen. In last week's episode There Goes the Neighborhood, Buck and Veronica went on a terrible date and afterwards he didn't like her but I guess finding out that she had chosen to be with Albert sort of threw him off. But since he didn't like her, I don't know why Buck couldn't be happy for Albert and Veronica. There are times when Buck reminds me of Kelly Bundy from the TV series Married with Children, they're both sexually liberated airheads who can't handle rejection because they're so used to their looks getting them plenty of attention, dates and hook ups. What I do like is that both Buck and Kelly were allowed to grow in their respective shows.

However, I feel like this episode was setting Buck up to learn yet another life lesson this time on being a good friend. Which makes absolutely no sense because he's already a good friend, it's been shown countless times how much he cares about others. It's just that this Albert/Veronica situation was so weird that he didn't know how to handle it.

(Evan Buckley    9-1-1 season 3 episode 4 "Triggers")

- I feel so sorry for Henrietta "Hen" Wilson and her wife Karen who might lose their foster daughter Nia because the little girl might be returned to her biological mother. This is a very sad situation because Hen and Karen have cared, loved and raised Nia for a year and hoped that they could adopt her. Meanwhile, I do feel for Nia's biological mother who probably did everything she could in order to get her life back in order to get her daughter back. I doubt Nia even remembers her biological mother especially since she calls both Hen and Karen mom. But if Nia's mother is deemed fit to care for her then she should probably get a chance to get her back. It's going to be hard if they lose her because Hen and Karen have given her so much love in the short amount of time that they've had her and not to mention their son Denny is going to be sad and miss her as well.

(Karen and Henrietta Wilson    9-1-1 season 2 episode 5 "Awful People")

- Last is Maddie Buckley and Howard "Chimney" who are preparing for the birth of their child. Since this is during the pandemic, they are trying to figure out the safest way for Maddie to give birth while also having Chim be there for it. She thought about having a home birth which would allow Chim to be present but he didn't like this idea because despite being a firefighter/paramedic he knew so many ways things could go wrong in a short amount of time. Although Howard has assisted women in emergency situations having babies, it would be a different and more stressful thing with Maddie because she's his girlfriend giving birth to their child. It's also been noted that since she's over 35 years old that there could potentially be complication and that's certainly not something they want to deal with at home. I'm glad they both realized that a home birth is probably not the best way to go in this situation.

(Howard Han and Maddie Buckley    9-1-1 season 4 episode 3 "Future Tense")

I think some fans were unhappy with this episode because they were expecting something that didn't happen. I feel like fans in general seem to take the fun out of watching shows by placing too much hope and expectation on wanting a story to go the way they want it to. I think it's good to be critical of what we watch but getting upset if the show doesn't happen how fans want it just feels like your setting yourself up for major disappointment.

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