Friday, May 21, 2021

Fandom: It's Okay If You Lose Interest!

Being a fan shouldn't feel forced, if you're starting to lose interest in something whether it's a book series or your favorite character. It's okay! Sometimes we find something new and lose interest in something we once loved. You shouldn't feel like you have to force yourself to keep being a fan of it. There are things, I'm still a fan of since I was a kid (such as Wonder Woman and Star Wars) while there have been recent things I've simply lost interest in and vice versa. The main point is, that it's okay to lose interest in fandom.

Think about this, over the years, how many times have you lost interest in something? A character that was your favorite, a TV series that was once your favorite show ever, a movie you knew by heart, etc. It shouldn't be a big deal if you lost interest, fandom is what you make of it. Who knows you might eventually go back to an old favorite. For instance, while Supernatural was still on air, I lost interest in the show at least three different times. But I would some how find my way back to watching the show as if I never stopped. I also know there are so many other things I've lost interest in that I was once a big fan of and never returned to, which is absolutely fine.

What I love about being a fan is getting to determine what that means for me. I enjoy the things I like and don't feel guilty or try to force myself to like something I have no interest in or have lost interest in. Being a fan is fun because I get to choose what I like. So don't worry about losing interesting in something, it doesn't mean you're not a good fan. It just means your interest has moved on to something else. Who knows maybe your interest will return or maybe it won't. Either way, it's okay.

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