Saturday, May 22, 2021

Toxic Fandom Strikes Again: Oliver Stark Harassed by "9-1-1" Fans

It seems Toxic Fandom has struck again. Fans harassed actor Oliver Stark on Twitter to the point that he deactivated his account. The actor had posted that he was going to live Tweet the 9-1-1 4th season finale on Monday and from there a fan made an insensitive joke followed by more fans harassing the actor including accusing him of queerbaiting his character Evan "Buck" Buckley on the show. He doesn't write the show, so if there is any questions to his character being written as queerbaiting. I don't see the point in harassing him for a character he plays. This makes absolutely no sense.

I saw where some fans were saying that he should learn how to take a joke or not take what some fans say seriously but why should anyone have to deal with this. I think there are so many wonderful things about social media and being online but of course there are bad things as well. Which includes people becoming overly comfortable saying mean, hurtful and insensitive things to others online. It shouldn't matter if he's a celebrity or not, no one should have to deal with being harassed online. All of this was really uncalled for and it's disappointing as a fan to see this stuff constantly keep happening. Why can't fans learn boundaries? I always say that fandom should be fun but Toxic Fandom continues to ruin the experience.

I'm all for being passionate about what we love and being critical of things as well but can fans please remember to be kind and compassionate to others. Being online shouldn't make you forget that you are interacting with other people.

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