Monday, May 24, 2021

10 Things I Do to Feel More Energized

There are times when I feel really sluggish and tired and during those times, I try to listen to what my body needs. If I'm sitting in front of the computer for too long I like to get up and move around. A short break is usually what I need. But for other times I have 10 more things I do to feel more energized.

1. Going for a walk. Whether for 10 minutes or an hour, it makes me feel more alert and upbeat.

2. Watching some of my favorite shows and movies or watching something new. If it's the weekend, I like to spend a few hours doing nothing except that. It's the perfect way to unwind and feel a little more energized.

3. A nap. If it's good enough for babies, kids and pets why not as an adult enjoy a relaxing, energizing and restorative nap.

4. I try to accomplish at least one thing off my to-do list. Crossing something off my list always makes me feel good and energized.

5. I get a cup of hot tea and relax.

6. Drink water throughout the day. Being dehydrated can also make you feel sluggish so I make sure I stay hydrated and energized by drinking water.

7. Stretching and deep breathing. Doing both relax and energize the body.

8. Dancing. I like to put on music and dance. Moving around is a fun way to energize.

9. Going outside. Sometimes it's nice to sit outside and enjoy nature. If it's a nice and sunny day, I love to take a book and read outside.

10. Reading. The simple act of picking up a book and getting engrossed in a story is usually exactly what I need to feel energized.

What do you do to feel more energized?

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